Letter of
Limited Agency

This Letter of Agency (LOA) is to retain Bridgeway Solutions, LLC, together with its subsidiaries, collectively referred to as “Bridgeway”, as your authorized agent and consultant to interface with your utility company, for the purposes of procuring information regarding all aspects of utility accounts for electricity, natural gas and/or water services. This shall include but not be limited to any information regarding usage, load factors, load profiles, history, rate or meter class, rate prices, meter type, meter rate, meter class, customer class, historical usage historical billing, current billing, demand information energy services agreements, contractual or financial obligations, terms of services and/or invoices for all service locations and/or account numbers.

This LOA is exclusively for the purposes of gathering and attaining the information described herein. Bridgeway is not authorized to make any changes to your accounts without written authorization from your company. This authorization shall remain in effect until we are notified of its cancellation in writing from your office or for a period of three years from the Effective Date written above. The agency authorization shall in no way preclude you from dealing directly with your utility companies.


Agency Agreement

Your Name (required)

Email (required)

By submitting, you agree to allow Bridgeway Solutions, LLC to obtain HUD from your utility firms.

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